I asked AI to write a high-concept article idea I had. Here are the results.

Jason Velazquez
3 min readDec 8, 2022


I’m writing an article about the parallels between QAnon conspiracy theories and the Hero’s Journey story format. This topic isn’t extensively written about, with just a couple of articles I’ve found online brushing on the subject.

I was curious what ChatGPT AI would spit out if I gave it a prompt about this relatively obscure, high-concept framing of a popular topic. I was surprised at how well it did.

The prompt I gave was: Write an essay about how Trump and QAnon conspiracy theories follow the Hero’s Journey story structure, where Donald Trump is the hero and Q is the mentor.

Here’s what ChatGPT wrote:

Donald Trump and QAnon conspiracy theories follow the hero’s journey format story structure, with Donald Trump as the hero and Q as the mentor. The hero’s journey is a story structure that is found in many myths and legends, and it describes the journey of a hero who embarks on a quest to overcome challenges and achieve a great goal.

In the case of Trump and QAnon, the hero is Donald Trump, who is seen as a champion of the people and a defender of American values. He is the hero who will lead the country to greatness and protect it from enemies, both foreign and domestic. Trump is the hero who will make America great again, and many of his supporters believe that he is the only person who can save the country from destruction.

The mentor in this story is Q, a mysterious figure who is said to be a high-ranking member of the government. Q is the one who provides the hero with guidance and advice, and helps him on his quest. In the case of Trump and QAnon, Q is the one who reveals the hidden truths about the world and the forces that are working against America. Q provides Trump with the information and support he needs to overcome the challenges he faces, and to achieve his goal of making America great again.

Throughout the hero’s journey, the hero faces many challenges and obstacles. In the case of Trump and QAnon, these challenges include the media, which is seen as biased and untrustworthy, and the so-called “deep state,” which is believed to be a shadowy group of government officials who are working against the interests of the American people. The hero must overcome these challenges in order to achieve his goal, and with the help of his mentor, he is able to do so.

In the end, the hero achieves his goal and is celebrated as a hero. In the case of Trump and QAnon, this would mean that Trump is able to make America great again, and is celebrated as a hero by his supporters. Q, the mentor, is also celebrated for his guidance and support, and is seen as a crucial part of the hero’s journey.

In conclusion, Trump and QAnon conspiracy theories follow the hero’s journey format story structure, with Donald Trump as the hero and Q as the mentor. The hero’s journey is a powerful and enduring story structure that is found in many myths and legends, and it provides a framework for understanding the Trump and QAnon phenomenon

### end

The AI made the correct parallels, but it didn’t expand past the prompt. I look at this technology as a great way to get your writing going, but not something I’d publish as is. Considering how little the AI had to reference, and the fact that it’s AI, I’m impressed.

What do you think?



Jason Velazquez

Tech, freelance, and interesting finds. I once bowled a perfect 46.